
Some of my photos taken from 2008 to date.
The emphasis is on travel and wildlife, the two often going hand in hand as I roam the world.

Norway (Vesteralen) 2024

Botswana (Okavango Delta) 2023

Kenya (Masai Mara) 2023

Italy (Venice) 2022

Costa Rica 2022

Norway (Lofoten) 2022

Botswana (Chobe River) 2021

Japan 2019

Greenland 2018

Kenya (Masai Mara) 2018

Italy (Palio di Siena) 2017

Ecuador (Galapagos) 2016

Norway (Svalbard) 2015

Antarctica & South Georgia 2012

58 Day Self-Drive Safari 2008

Switzerland (Escalade 1602) 2014-22